The Ponca City News from Ponca City, Oklahoma (2024)

Poncan Is Injured In Colorado Crash Barber Who Started When Haircuts Were 25 Cents Going Strong at 74 3 3 By MIKE RHEA Schools Set On Tuesday THE PONCA CITY NEWS SUNDAT. SEPTEMBER 3. 1961 Jaycee Rest Slop Is Aiding Travelers A rest stop for Labor Day week- i end travelers is being maintained by the Ponca City Junior Chamber of Commerce on South Fourteenth, near Fauch.ers Service S'atinn Local merchants have donated supplies for operation of the rest stop, which was opened and will remain (pen tonight and possibly Monday from 10 pm to 7 am, according to Jack Mason, chairman and director of the Jay tee health and safety comm'ee Dot.ghr.ti- coffee ai.d mil arc being served, and there 's a background of soft music Re't room facilities also are provided Some 40 and troops advantage of the rest stop Fr.ctay Providing stub fac. lines on thi holiday weekend is row a national Jaycee prefect It'ed several years ago at Enid to prevent poss.fcle automobile accidents involving weary travelers 1 A Pom a City woman was hos-jpitaliitcd at Pueblo, Colo, Friday (afternoon following an auto collision that city Mis Phil Bcaubien. 700 South Seventh ho-e husband is owner of Phils Cafeteria here, was reported to be in a -tale of shoe a With Mis Bcaubien in one of the cam weie hei husband, their daughter I)fni-e ai 'heir son Philip and his wife of Dallas, according to word received by Mrs Bcaubien parents, Mr and Mrs F.

Estill, 717 East Cleveland The others sustained only Their ar was demolished The group was en.oute Ponca City to lX'ivir vs here Denise, who had be. here, is em-ploved by Shell O.l C'o The tstiils ir. a telephone conversation with Bcaubien. learned little about the accident other than the other tai -ti uck the Ponca City auto's light -ide The Pmlip Bcaunn'ns had left the i baby Mis Bcaubien mthr Kansas while they wen i the tr Annette Johnson Joins The News as Reporter lev 'cu i'ir Am.e'te i i ti i.t v- Staff t' The Pi ncd C.ty Nu' 'he tt grou she the campus Da. Collegian Tneta grra fc oral jnurnal-; a ui 22 is tn daugher i- Johnson.

K.ngf.-her Sbi has ail of i.t i.ff in Kingfisher a- is a of the high school Cattle on County's Pastures Look Good This week Bill Mai tin, 417 South, Lane, marked his 55th year as a Bovs and girls will be spending barber by opening the Highland Monday, Labor Day, enjoying the Barber Shop, 616 West Highland i last day before the school doors F.mca CV.ys olnr-t active barber Tuesdv for the start Maitin. 1 4 ys he does just as good a job as 1 d.d when I was classes in the 1961-62 term, a younger man' ard he continues Some of the rural schools and "th'1 nr others in surrounding communities 1 he active oldster says he got 'tarted in Haskell at the age of 19 havc already started class work. He just "went a shop and the and Monday will be the first holi- barber taught me" ddy the term for them. That wasn't the first time Bill had cut ham though He began cut- With the students enroled in the ting the hair of lends and neigh- two parochial schools, the First boi-s on Sundays and evenings in Lutheran and St Mary s. there will thef.Iait.ns' farmhouse at the age be clop tQ 5tudents schnol Price fm a ha.

when Maitin in Ponca City on the opening day went to unik in Haskell was 25 This figure will increase as late cents Shaves were 10 cents, Martin enrolments come in, according to school officials. Cafeterias in the junior and senior high schools and hot lunch pro-' But 'hc wi-t one grams in the rural schools will be rf t.vo af'er ln operation me fust day. previous a pr f-c he said announcements have stated Hi---'1! h- went Kan- All school bu-es will make tneir -i i 1 nf'ciiit to.n' un- ifgular joires Tuesday. m-v ed to Oumulgee 1 re 1 part -s 1 ved Ik woiKcd "'i 'in 1919 when he left ft 11-t" the oil Li'om around 1 lahop i hiving nd selling bar-' shoo- Utd lo ng a little dealing in I I ti the -ide Warim followed the boom until 1ij'i, with the eveeption of a year sppnt as a 'hlaikface daneer for a mrdii me show It cl.anjt -a ri and 'i(d 'I made 1 5 a -v(k ft. I iv i.g Uatkface dancing dnd Mrs Johnny Matos Jc.

and -tiling Ichomaine Lmament SlLdn dIlfl shanon of Kansas C.ty When ''oKed nut the lmament aie spending the Labor Day good foi he replied Oh, it pnd ln hnmPS Clf their paients vva' good ft 1 t.i'.ts and pains and Mr and Ray Dall 912 es luted as a lax, dive and it was also Grand, and Mrs Pearl Marks. 808 good for hi aring If you weie hard x-or, of heaurg von coc.ld pour some of in air Mr and Mrs George Widner. Mait.n came fo Pinea City in aim Jill of Tulsa ait 1944 to Cu' the hair of Lnti-h cade.s visit.n in the home of Mr' W'ld-at the barber -hop at Dan School nPr mthPI- Mr? peatl Maras. 808 He s.aycd theie until the war during the Labot ended and tin school dosed and pdv eekend then lemamtd in Ponca Ciy buy- 11. and sell ng shops and vvo'kmc dl(( -lr5 Kygar and for tuner baibus Bui Edgewood.

were recent li l'i4 le bough lie R.v the Capri Laguna ocean her mp in the Ri iz 1 heal r. he i hotel. Laguna Beach, Calif the Club is now In. (Mtid, and s' ay ed there un il 1955 and Mrs Jne B. Cannon Then he began woiking at anothc: Oalal.oma Citv, are spending the West Giand shop across the -tied Uav weekend in the hon.e em.

lining until 1 i-t year, when he ul pdlCnts, Mr end Mrs Law-transfer -cd to John's Barber Shop rPnce Cannon, 930 South Seventh. on Nmth Fust Martin agrees theie has been a and Mrs John Alsop, Janice Dav mice in i.g change in haircut' 'me he began ara of Raleigh, N. are Raiston Monrtiv hair, but thinks "it's fm the week in the home of The parade at 11 IMM AL fanned water 111 broufe, lairtav Josephine Wapp. Chilncto Indian Ralston RALSTON A ton-', ui ui a at; o' 1 1 ce ill hignl.a.nt the PO.NCA CITY'S OLDEST active barber, Rill Martin. 71.

is shown rutting the hair of S. O. Elkins, 4(18 West Chestnut, in the Highland Barber Miop which he opened Friday. I.VIRV in the Ponca Indian I ree lair is this jar ot roots which won a blue ribbon for Airs. Louise Holding the food, which tastes like a carrot, is Mrs.

an l.islructor in the home economics department at School She was one of the judges Planning Big Homecoming Monday A' -and -cue 16-n City Briefs Mishap A Lubbock. Te man's auto sustained emma'cd SI 00 damage and a 'ud car an mated $30 ca" nge a mishap may to police Police said an auto rf.ven by Donald Lee Mr anew .1 DOCK Wd' bdCK.l cut a wav when the -hao Ijrv.r c.f the 'feed as pc as James Earl I rc S. S.xh S-rcct The Best of Ponca' Graduates Barbara Koller. daughter i Mr and Mrs Fred Holier. 458 Srutn Fourth, w.s graduated last werk from Brar.

ff Airlines '-'css Sr hool at Dallas and will be there the Braniff A graduate of Ponca C.ty School. M.s-Holler has at, mod Lndcnwood College and Oklahoma State Attending the graduation exercise' were her rarert' and her grandmother Mrs Grace Holler, 412 South Fourth Frye1 Quit Business Sale continues New bargains each day adv Windows Soaped Clarence Waters, 411 Drake Drive, reported Friday that the mdnvvs and doors of his auto were soaped sometime Thursday night. To Hot Springs Mr and Mr- R. B. Boiry, 416 North Elm, and Mr.

and Mrs Jack Putt 80S West Grand, left Saturday for Ho Springs, Ark, to vacation for several days Loses Money B.ll Famicr. 201 West Fresno, -epor'ed Fnriav that his w.fe lost '100 five $20 bills while shopping downtown Friday. The office of Dr. Printz, 300 North Third, will be closed until September 5. adv Bike Stolen John Lc Raid.

1400 Coronado, reported that his bicycle which he left evening at Poplar and Vugtnia Avenue-, had been stolen He told polnc that the chain had broken on the bike and he left it for a short t.mi When he returned the bnce was gone he -aid Brown Salvage 303 Souh Fo-' will be clri-cd from September 4 until Sc-ptcmber 11 for or.e week's vacation edv Vandalism Jarl: Sberbon. 305 North Elm, reported Sa'uiday that his auto was damaged sometime Friday night. The pmnt wa-scratched and damage vu- estimated at $30, he toid police advitw-Mait -1 a barbershop in the rear of an first chair, prepares an Reports Says Sorqhum Production To Decline ID'T Ok. tii. a prr 1 a I prtr'r et s.irvcv i.r.u-n jr nuct.on tea-tin te aboii e-f iti leii a t.i; average r-i nrt ir L.

St cnt.i.uct expand ann the 1961 crop hi aied fra 1 rc-i rd 1 1 -1 got i dcvel ij.n jcrairt ports a-c the better" He has no pieftiencc as fn cut ting in the old 1 new -ty le Martin savs he had had no trouble with customers while cutting hair during the oil boom because I spoke their language. Holmes, 600 North Osage, Bennv who cut hairwph ls siting his brother and family Martin at Darr School, had an and Mi-. Wendell Holmes and amusing anecdote to elate about Little Rock, Ark Bill however "He was always wanting to ra. e. Miss Anne Donovan.

7U0 Mai land Sanders "and claimed he wasiDnve, has ieturned home after a the fastest bather in town" visit in Cailinviile, 111., where she 'One day when I had an almost Wds bridesmaid at the weddng of a mo-t bald man in my chair and Bill had couegt. classmate, Helen Wil- a young blaco-haired cadet. scn daughter of Mr and Mrs wi.o hac'n had a hair about wei I asked him if he still wanted to race "I'm the saddl go Bill -aid Both pen stand cu't a-toid- mn; who.was a gUfit. ln tnc about aid to Mis Aisop parents, Mr and Mrs Leo 933 North Seventh aciny Mrs. John Alsop Sr, Okmulgee iu are 1 spend today and Monday in the Lee home d.

Wilon of Carl.nville Wilson and Alfred Em.l Koenig of Ne wele rained in St. Pauls Episcopal Chuich. Don- Call sheriffs help baigcct selves Tht 1 for Help Really Revenge of Ex-Suitor HUTCH IN NON Kn ru-ac'I a ui Tuesday cvcmi -The cdilu: a a1 i i a i 1 ti a ir a ufL-tr- r. cercuo-y 1 1 1 1 Set for Boost in Auto Insurance HO.W A CITY a 1 t-t tl.t 0 ra't Ubl.c licit 1-0 II nl PC ItM to B.indei ai.d wh Mai'm hor o1 utcks Clvi, --V 1 it h.s t.pp f.u.t redding attended Mont. cello a aid K.iT.

to p.n the Lo.icgc, Gndficv. Ill, with Mu-s Cat'll fillip 'he 'lacrt -hf bald Ww-on Th.s fall .11 attend u.t, nick. ran hi- clippers OaUhoma State Lmveis.ty as a 'he each' ui- ri 1 eck, junior. hi' ha icl in off fi the iron; dnd 1 le: cd r.rxt The Portland va-e" a rare The ladct who Sandci- and beautiful urn found ok. like a m.ep.

looked the about 1.560 in a ir.aible sarcophagus in nor. -homy his head ann 'aid 1 near Rome, now in the Bnti-h "t.i fully, 'What a bloodv ha. 1 cut museum. Hearing Asked OKL ht at auto 1 oppoitnruty for a -aim at Won't: Pool this -t coni The pool vv.ll I 1 1 1 9 'in 1 it .1 oe clo-i 1 until i.t The mil 1 1 nil -lip ,11 It la I (I CM I li5 1 I 1 1 1 lli In 1 ltd 7 9 Oil in linn To, 8 00- Returns I roni rip Stall N' it'i 'rn lip. a 1 Si 1 at 1 i ,1 1 ihii' a i 1 1 n.

l.f In 1 -M 1 7.1 ton, Pi noli bin Oi 1 lot 1 in 30 ii i Cl. f.o. I ,1 1, an 1. 1 ai 1 a 1 Atttnd liamf-D- fi gar at 11 1 1 datu I 'l Arc 1. mu 1 iy --ht 1 a in'iur a In 1 r.

i a at a I): 2 ji- i Ai Mt ''Ik Lily bulbs Red Spain G. lden Spider, hardy and Madonna. Top grade Gmoen lor SI on stia.ght shirt bundles- len beautifully laundered shuts PLAY SAFE HAVE A HAPPY, FUN FILLED LABOR DAY OUTING Work up a big appetite then come see us for 0 delicious Picnic Center, 212 N'nith Third adv Keys Enund Bob 512 North Palm, turuea to pi lice Saturday a set c.f keys be found in front rf a store at West Grand Avenue rc cQ Berserk African Native Wounds Woman, Girl VRUBI 1 t. ib a 1 1 Ij A Af. )- a if i il At.

Ki i.v A i.t t.t, pb if vt ui 1 .0 O' 1 1' te cd U-. r.t b. ut 62 no Lunch! 10 A.M. TIL EMPLOYEES HAVE WITH INCREASED PORTIONS OP Dinner for 6 $g98 Dinner $29 A IN' THIS PICTIKL, taken in Okmulgee pool hall in 1918, Bill oillield worker for a shave. mgnt in Oklahoma City before re- to Ponca City.

Enroll in Mis Sidles Si hool of All ages including pre- -rhuoi Call RO 5-3036 or RO 2-1424. adv. Vacation Irip-Bruce Dunn son Dunn of Glenn Pans and y-ons Fun buic is -pending the Will, in tin home cl a gnat-aunt and untie in Lenapah Pittcdmg -pent a wttk a 1 Cufft ilk. K. Witli suit ere thank- and waimc-t rtara-, vn bid utu fond adieu-Yn .1 ciilUnal and ir-spon e- nave mane Ponca City an 111.

foi "able xp ra but one wmen will end Tue-d iy evening at 1100 ll i- our hope that we conti ion' at It a-t a little to f.r city. Godot Hto-i cash and cairy Duubie BN Green Stamps on Wednesday and Thursday Leche Laundry and Dry Cleaners gdv. Square dame lessons S( i 1 1 (hi hv.d mi no Sp'in-ytu 1 1 1 and CA q.cue I)tluu Ci 11 -1 cnufih 1 jo-m l( 7 1 '( riuv Has huigrrv 71. -109 Nt th iftr had nuik tek ut St Anhrn Ho.pnj, Cu.luhni; a Civ Vitii2 1, tr. 1 U-ue he 1 Mn, Don dd Duiu in and hti biothcr Kh Kici Mi; Dun- can in Room 3oT Wdtih repair, v.nrr.

Rcdsonabie. 1214 buutn Fourth RO adv. Conduct Sale J. FiuUK Run hv, I4u8 South Seventh, and Jones, 304 West Lihun, a i an i i sMe fm Ivunm -Duvi dt Yul 1 ii ii ti i thiouKh Saturday ANo Huii) HrfiUuih, Ni m-ncv-Davis sales supirvisoi LiM (hamr for Swim Ha iTl kgr- SNA 'r CARRY OUT iassepxri New Mexiui I rip Mr Min On Vuutnm J. 1.

Sviiidi'is N'liin Licvtnth, 11 tin ics Ann to M'i Bapt iM Suniiit Ur uni ct at and Glnr.etU. 1 aM Utk inn; adv the week. Mr and Mr S.tnavra an.ttht dviuuitt-r, Mr Ikrbtrt fjf Fuwkr, uul family dt Albutiuir-Sjns t.i'i dure (jue, They turned Sayr- on a.i. He MMid the S3 A te Thud 1 i Iht'uh Sn (U will M.irv Attend (ift ho Rodeo tickets SI or laundry 11. Cleaners, 620 Scuta On Business Glenn Pans and was jn Cushinj business Saturday SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Note Advance oavment? oei one month should be oam at the Npa otficej Ponca City ano Ueuvert's.

1 Week abc i Month (Advance) si vr, I Year (Advanret 1 5 ao Motor Routes Close-iD 10 Ponca City 1 Month i Year (Advance) i5b0 Outsice Abovt Area I Month Si 1 Year (Advance) 15 n( Other Community Deliveries: i Week I Month $1 or By Mail (R I) ay Usage rsohie Pawnee Grant anc Counties: 1 Year tone 0 Months 5 0C 3 Months a oc- 1 Month I 2 1 OPEN SUNDAY AND MONDAY WE WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY IN ORDER TE4AT PHONE RO 2-2771 ond your order will be ready when you arrive. 8 P.M. DAY OFF ABOVE for 8 (State Sales Tax included All man ubscriptiuns muu be paid adancei Eiseudiere Oklahoma i Vear S)20 0 Months 12 3 Months 1 Month 1 2't Outside Oklahoma (U S.A.): i Year 0 Month 9 Months lidi fttii People r. .1 "5 it. .1 vnih Dai ia in 1rr 1 d.

"THF MIGHTY MIDCET" 'll KANT AD 9dli Do th Job for oa CALL RO 5-3311 CHICKEN DINNER FOR TWO contains '2 Broostcd Chicken, pint of cole slaw or salad, order of Broostcd Potatoes or 2 Baked Potatoes, Honey ond Rolls. 1-HOUR NOTICE FOR BAKED POTATOES. MILLER'S CHICKEN HUT can prepare your entire picnic lunch or just the trimmings to complete your own fixin's Broostcd Chicken Pixzas Cold Beer Utensils DINNERS BELOW Dinner for 4 $949 CASH and CARRY On Straight Shirt bundles DOUBLE GREEM STAMPS W2D. and THURS LECHE LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS 400 South Third R0 5-5531 LOCATED JUST SOUTH OF 14th AND EAST HIGHLAND SAVE TIME DIAL R0 2-2771 AND YOUR ORDER VILL BE READY.

The Ponca City News from Ponca City, Oklahoma (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.