Information Technology Division - Lehman College (2025)

News & AnnouncementsInformation Technology Division - Lehman College (1)

Lehman College Awarded #8 Best Online/Hybrid College in New York State

Bb is be migrating CUNY Bb Home Pages from the current Bb Learn to the Ultra Base Navigation platform. The look and feel will be different and will take a little time to get comfortable with the platform. Please take a moment to review the documentation below detailing how the new Bb Ultra Base Navigation functions.

New Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation Interface (PDF)

Blackboard Links and Support

Important: New Blackboard Login for Students and Faculty: Remember to login to Blackboard with your CUNYfirst username followed by: and password. The "" will be populated for you. For example, if you login with: student.lehman22 and your CUNYfirst password, you will enter: and your CUNYfirst password to access Blackboard. Access Blackboard from the same access points that you normally use but your username and password are the same as you use for CUNYfirst.

For Faculty: If you plan on teaching hybrid or online,please take a moment to download the Blackboard Readiness Document here. For additional information on useful teaching tools, please visit Lehman's Online Education site on the CUNY COMMONS.

Quick Links that you will find helpful: Blackboard, CUNYFirst, Faculty and Student e-mail, Lehman Academic Calendar and Blackboard Userguides and more.

Download the Lehman College Mobile App

Lehman's Mobile App is FREE on the App Store and on the Google Play Store.Dana, a Lehman College student reviwed the app and said "'s great, convienent and helpful. Everything is in one place: contacts to school departments, event info and class locations, in case you forget the room number...It's Perfect" Download the FREE app today!

Information Technology Division - Lehman College (2)

Coming to Lehman and CUNY in Fall 2025 our new LMS, Brightspace
Learn more about Lehman and CUNY's transition to Brightspace here.

Also learn about Faculty Training here.

Get Better Grades!!! Got Your Attention?

TheInstructional Support Services Programwill be offering online tutoring, academic coaching, and a variety of writing and academic skills workshops in Fall 2020.All our services are online.Tutoring is available forwriting, humanities and social science courses (through theLehman Tutoring Center), as well as courses in the natural sciences (through theScience Learning Center).Individualized coaching for students who seek to improve their study skills, strategies for learning online, and overall academic performance is also available. Students can call us at718-960-8175or email us ( for more information.Direct links to our virtual tutoring centers, open during the centers’ business hours, are as follow below. Please note the links work only during the centers’ business hours.

Please click here for step-by-step instructions on claiming your CUNYfirst Account. Remember, you MUST claim your account in order to register for classes!! Make Sure That You Claim Your CUNYfirst Account TODAY!!! If you have any technical issues claiming your account, please go to the Lehman College Help Desk Located in Carman Hall Open Center.

Visit The Blackboard On Demand Learning Center by clicking here

Blackboard assistance is always available in Carman Hall Room 107-D!

Attention Lehman Students and Faculty!

  • Students: The Leonard Lief Library at Lehman College has created some very helpful videos designed to help you navigate the Library. Topics include: Books vs E-Books, Looking Up a Book, Reserves, Using the Web For Research, Using the Library Website and, more. Access the video tutorials here.
  • Blackboard "Walk-In" Assistance for Students and Faculty is Always Available!
  • If you are experiencing difficulty with Blackboard, Staff or Student E-mail, please feel free to contact Stephen Castellano, Lehman College Blackboard Administrator, at: or 718-960-8658. One on One assistance is always available for you. Please call 718-960-8658 to schedule an appointment.

Lehman College Library Tab

We are pleased to announce to the Lehman College Community that a new "Tab" has been added to the Lehman College Blackboard Homepage. You will now see a Lehman College Library Tab. The new tab will allow you to access the resources of the Lehman College Library while you are working in Blackboard. Click on the Lehman College Library Tab to see all the resources that are available for you.

Attention Lehman College Community

Please visit the ONLINE INFO Tab in Blackboard. The ONLINE INFO tab is designed to promote items pertaining to Lehman College and Online Learning. Newly added is a link to The Lehman College Self-Service Password Management System (SSPM) Remember, it is YOUR Password...Manage It ! And, an Orientation to Blackboard and Online Studies. Please look at these helpful sites next time you are on Blackboard.

If you are having a problem accessing the Blackboard 8, please contact the IT Help Desk at 718-960-1111.

Faculty and Students: Access your e-mail below

  • Faculty: Go Directly to your Lehman College Webmail.
  • Students: Go Directly to your LEHMAN COLLEGE E-Mail. For Assistance on activating your Student e-mail, directions are available by clicking here
  • Visit The Self-Service Password Management site to register your account. When you register your account, you will be able to reset a forgotten or Lehman LDAP password. Click here to visit the SSPM website
  • Visit the Lehman College Academic Calendar for more information.

General Information for Students:

  • You must have a Student CUNY account to access Blackboard. Applicant Accounts will NOT display your Blackboard courses.
  • Your Blackboard Courses will be located in the Blackboard 9.1 Link on your CUNY Login Page. Your CUNY Username is dfferent than your Lehman College e-mail username. If you forgot your Portal Username and Password, simply click on the "Forgot Your Username of Password ? " link on the CUNY Login Page. Follow the instructions to obtain your Username and/or password.
  • When you log into Blackboard, you may not see links for all the Lehman courses for which you are registered because course sites are created as UNAVAILABLE. Please ask your instructor if he/she will be using Blackboard. and making the course available for your class.
  • Your Lehman College e-mail address is directly linked to your Blackboard course. Please activate your Lehman College e-mail account. If you are not sure how to activate your Lehman College e-mail account, please click here
  • If you are not receiving e-mails from your professor in Blackboard, update your e-mail address on your Blackboard Welcome Page. On the left side of your screen you will see a link to UPDATE E-MAIL. Click the link and add your e-mail address as follows: Push the submit button and your e-mail address will be updated. Blackboard will only accept CUNY e-mail Addresses.

General Information for Faculty:

  • You will need a CUNY account to access Blackboard. Learn More about creating your CUNY Account by clicking here.
  • Once you have a CUNY account, access Blackboard by logging in to the CUNY account.
  • If you are not seeing your Blackboard Course(s) for the current semsester, please contact by e-mail: Stephen Castellano or by telephone at: 718-960-8658.
  • New Faculty who are in need of assistance acquiring a CUNY Account and Faculty who are not able to view their Blackboard Courses, please contact Steve Castellano at 718-960-8658 or via e-mail :

Should you experience problems with access to Bb 9.1 at all, please contact Stephen Castellano, Lehman College Blackboard Administrator at: or 718-960-8658, and provide detailed information on the technical issue that you are experiencing.

Blackboard Technical Information:

  • Blackboard Status: Blackboard is functioning normally.
  • For the best Blackboard Learning Experience, please be sure your computer has the latest security updates and anti-virus software for your operating system. CUNY Faculty, Staff and Students get the latest anti-virus software FREE for your computer at the CUNY E-MALL. To visit the CUNY E-MALL, click here
  • PC users, get the latest service packs for your operating system by clicking here (Clicking this link takes your away from
  • MAC users, get the latest MAC software updates here (Clicking this link takes you away from
Information Technology Division - Lehman College (2025)


What is a passing grade at Lehman College? ›

Grade Glossary
GradeExplanationQuality Points
CRCredit Earned-
28 more rows

How hard is Lehman College? ›

Average GPA: 3.45

The average GPA at Lehman College is 3.45. This makes Lehman College Moderately Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 3.45, Lehman College requires you to be around average in your high school class.

What is the acceptance rate for Lehman College? ›

The acceptance rate at Lehman College is 55.3%.

This means the school is moderately selective. The school expects you to meet their requirements for GPA and SAT/ACT scores, but they're more flexible than other schools. If you exceed their requirements, you have an excellent chance of getting in.

Is Lehman College worth it? ›

Lehman College is a great campus. It is the only CUNY senior college in the Bronx with a lot of opportunities that students can take advantage of. By my experience, Lehman College is the best school in the Bronx.

Is 60% a passing grade in college? ›

Most colleges and universities generally consider a "D" (or a 60% to 69% score) as a passing grade. It's important to note that this minimum or lowest passing grade standard can significantly vary depending on the institution or major. For instance, some universities may require a "C" or better to pass.

Is a 73% passing in college? ›

The normal grading range is from 55 to 100. The number grades correspond to letter grades as reflected in the chart below. The minimum passing grade is 70 (C). Any grades between 55 and 69 (D and F) are considered failing grades for which unit credit is not earned.

What major is Lehman College known for? ›

The most popular majors at CUNY--Lehman College include: Psychology, General; Business Administration and Management, General; Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management; Sociology, General; Accounting; Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse; Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathology/ ...

How prestigious is Lehman College? ›

CUNY--Lehman College is ranked #27 out of 178 Regional Universities North. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What celebrities went to Lehman College? ›

The directory includes famous graduates and former students along with research and academic staff.
  • Ron Perlman. Born in United States 1950-.. ( ...
  • Elizabeth Rodriguez. Born in United States 1980-.. ( ...
  • Letitia James. Born in United States 1958-.. ( ...
  • André Aciman. ...
  • Eliot Engel. ...
  • Michael Bacon. ...
  • Christopher Reid. ...
  • Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
Feb 29, 2024

Is Lehman College good for computer science? ›

Lehman College, part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, offers a decent computer science program that provides a solid foundation in the core aspects of the field, such as algorithm design, programming, operating systems, and data structures.

Can I get into Lehman College with a 2.5 GPA? ›

Applicants transferring from 12 to 24 college credits must satisfy either the freshman admission criteria or present a minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average. Students without an A.A., A.S. or A.A.S. degree and with 24 or more credits must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.3.

Is Lehman College D1? ›

Athletics. Lehman College teams participate as a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Division III. The Lightning Bugs are a member of the City University of New York Athletic Conference (CUNYAC).

Is D passing in Cuny? ›

Passing grades range from A+ to D*. P is a passing grade but it does not affect the student's scholastic index.

Is 63 passing in college? ›

You'll usually need to receive a letter grade between A and D to pass a class, often the numerical equivalent of 65 percent or higher. Receiving an F—which stands for “fail”—indicates that you did not pass the class. The cutoff to receive an F is usually 64 percent.

Is 65 a passing grade? ›

U.S. Letter Grading System: The standard grading system in the U.S. uses letters A to F, with A being the highest (90-100%) and D being the lowest passing grade (60-69%). F denotes failure.

Is a 57 passing in college? ›

C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle. C is anywhere between 70% and 79% D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F - this is a failing grade.


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.